One of my very favorite family traditions we’ve done over the years is my daughters’ Valentine’s Day date with their Daddy! It’s so special to me to see how Russell treats his girls with such love and tenderness, and he is most definitely their hero and favorite boy. ❤️ I also love that they’ve grown to anticipate their Valentine’s date with him so much. Makes my heart happy in so many ways!
Because of his work schedule this year, he won’t be able to take them out on February 14th, so we improvised today. The girls wanted to make him some Valentine’s Day cards, and nothing beats homemade and hand made by tiny hands, am I right?

Each year, I take them shopping for a new outfit of their choosing (within our budget and with a little help from Mom😉), and it’s so fun to watch their individual style take shape! Their biggest joy these days is to actually take the items into the dressing room and do a full try-on. It’s sweaty work for Mom, but it’s so worth it to see their squeals and excitement!

Next, we do a little hair salon and just a touch of makeup for fun before their date arrives. He brought chocolates and flowers, and there was much squealing and happiness all around!

Honestly, it’s not about the new clothes or the candy…it’s about making memories and building a family culture that teaches them that they are loved in a big way by their biggest fan ever: their Daddy. The relationship between a father and daughter is so precious, so vital, and I consider it a balm to my soul to watch how a father should honor and love his daughters. ❤️ Grateful to God for these five blessings of mine.

Happy (early) Valentine’s Day!
Love this so much!!!!!
This post was just what I needed! Sweetest little ladies enjoying time with their daddy!